Printable List of High Fiber Foods (Free PDF & Bonus Recipe)

“Printable List of High Fiber Foods (Free PDF & Bonus Recipe)” was written by Amy Puccini, RD. Edited/reviewed by Katie Dodd, MS, RDN, CSG, LD, FAND.

If you’ve been trying to improve your diet, then you’ve probably come across the recommendation to increase your fiber intake. But why? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Not only will we equip you with an awesome printable list of high fiber foods (FOR FREE!), we will also look at the different types of fiber, how it keeps you healthy, and the best tips and tricks for adding more fiber to your diet in an easy and delicious way.

Table of Contents:

What Exactly is Fiber?
How Does Fiber Keep Me Healthy?
What are the Best Food Sources of Fiber?
Printable List of High Fiber Foods << free download >>
Tips and Tricks
Bonus: High Fiber Snack Recipe
Summary: Printable List of High Fiber Foods

What Exactly is Fiber?

Fiber is the undigestible part of plants and carbohydrates, which is why fruits and vegetables are such excellent fiber sources. There are two different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, and our bodies need both to maintain good digestive health.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber breaks down in water creating a gel-like substance. This helps to slow digestion and helps you feel fuller for longer.

Did you know that soluble fiber can aid in the regulation of blood glucose and cholesterol as well? (1)

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber stays intact and adds bulk to our stools, decreasing the amount of time it takes to travel through our intestines.

This type of fiber can help anyone who may be struggling with constipation or irregular stools!

How Much Fiber Do I Need?

Women should aim for a total of 25 grams of fiber per day. Men should aim for a total of 38 grams. Older adults may need less. However, a majority of adults do not meet their fiber goals.

How Does Fiber Keep me Healthy?

Fiber has many health benefits including:

  • Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • Maintain normal and regular bowel movements
  • Reduce or prevent constipation

What are the Best Food Sources of Fiber?

Fiber can be found in cereals, grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Check out our printable list of high fiber foods below!

High Fiber FoodsServing SizeFiber (grams)
Fiber One, General Mills1/2 cup13
Bran Buds, Kellogg’s1/3 cup12
All-Bran, Kellogg’s1/2 cup10
Raisin Bran, Kellogg’s3/4 cup8.2
Instant Oatmeal1 pack3
Cheerios1 cup3
Navy beans1 cup19
Lentils1 cup16
Black beans1 cup15
Pinto beans1 cup15
Chickpeas1 cup12.5
Edamame1 cup8
Artichokes1 cup7.7
Spinach, cooked1 cup7
Potato1 medium6.9
Brussel sprouts1 cup6.4
Broccoli, cooked1 cup5.1
Green Beans1 cup4
Avocado, cubed1 cup10.1
Raspberries1 cup8
Figs, dried1/2 cup7.3
Pear1 medium5.5
Blueberries1 cup3.6
Strawberries1 cup3

Printable List of High Fiber Foods

Without further ado, here is our printable list of high fiber foods.

Click to download your free copy!

Printable List of High Fiber Foods

Printable List of High Fiber Foods Tips and Tricks

Before you head to the grocery store and stock up on all your high fiber favorites, there are just a few things to remember:

  1. Increase your fiber intake slowly – When fiber is rapidly introduced into your diet, you may notice symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and gas. If you want to learn more about recognizing the signs related to too much fiber.
  2. Drink more water – Fiber tends to act like a sponge, absorbing water to soften your stool. Aim for 8 glasses of water or other low-calorie beverages every day to stay hydrated.
  3. Start your day the fiber way – Breakfast cereals are an incredibly easy way to up your daily fiber intake. However, cereals can also be packed with sugar, so be sure to read the food label to determine if the cereal is right for your health goals!
  4. Work smarter, not harder – Try adding in fiber all-stars like beans to soups, salads, or side dishes.

Bonus: High Fiber Foods Snack Recipe

We couldn’t leave you with all this good information without an easy and delicious way to put it into practice! This high fiber snack recipe will please tastebuds of ANY age. Without further ado… we present… no-bake cookie bites!

cookie ball image with words 19- grams of fiber



  • In a large bowl mix 3 scoops of your choice of a chocolate protein powder, ¼ cup of ground flaxseed, and ½ cup of peanut butter.
  • Once well combined, roll into small balls.
  • Pop them in the freezer for a few hours to set. Bon appétit!

This recipe provides 18 grams of fiber + however much may be in the protein powder you use. Different protein powders contain different amounts of fiber.

Variations: You can also try mixing in almonds, oats, dates, or raisins.

Summary: Printable List of High Fiber Foods

We hope this article gave you some good ideas for increasing the amount of fiber in your diet. Don’t forget to snag your free Printable List of High Fiber Foods.

And be sure to grab our free High Fiber Snacks Handout. If you need additional high fiber resources, we have a low-cost High Fiber Foods SERIES which includes a colorful list of high fiber foods, a high fiber grocery list, and meal planner to help you get more fiber in your diet.

High Fiber Foods Series

About The Author

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