Using Oats for Weight Gain? Try These Dietitian-Approved Tips

Oats often get a reputation as a weight loss food. But the truth is, this whole grain powerhouse can be a valuable tool for healthy weight gain when prepared and consumed correctly. That’s right! Oats for weight gain can be a great addition to your diet! 

Packed with fiber, protein, and essential nutrients, oats offer a solid foundation for building a calorie surplus — the key to putting on pounds.

However, simply munching on dry oats won’t do the trick. To harness the weight-gain potential of oats, you’ll need to incorporate them into a balanced diet that supports your overall health.

This article will dive into the benefits behind adding oats to your diet while providing practical tips and delicious recipes to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, sustainable weight gain requires more than just consuming extra calories. It’s important to combine oats with other nutrient-dense foods to build muscle and support your overall well-being.

Table of Contents:

Benefits of Oats for Weight Gain

Oats are a fantastic choice for those looking to gain weight with nutritious and delicious foods. They provide a range of nutrients, can be made calorie-dense, and include healthy carbohydrates that fuel your body.

Oats are packed with various nutrients that help with weight gain. They are a great source of vitamins like B1 and B5. These vitamins help to convert food into energy, which is essential for increasing weight.

Minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc are also present in oats. Iron helps in creating more red blood cells, giving you better oxygen flow, while magnesium supports muscle function and muscle growth, and zinc helps to support your immune system.

These nutrients make oats not just filling, but also nourishing, providing you with energy and essential building blocks your body needs for healthy weight gain.

Oats, ½ cup serving size
Protein5.3 grams
Fat2.6 grams
Carbs27 grams
Fiber4 grams
Iron1.7 mg
Magnesium55 mg
Zinc1.5 mg

You can easily make oats a high-calorie meal. For example, adding ingredients like nut butter, nuts, and dried fruits can significantly boost the calorie content. You could also use full-fat milk or yogurt to mix with oats for added calories.

A half cup of oats is around 150 calories. With the additions suggested below, your oatmeal could reach well over 300 calories!

Here are some calorie-boosting additions:

  • Peanut butter (1 Tbsp): 102 calories
  • Almond butter (1 Tbsp): 98 calories
  • Chopped nuts (1 oz): 172 calories
  • Dried Fruit (1 oz): 84 calories
  • Full-fat canned coconut milk (½ cup): 223 calories
  • Full-fat yogurt (4 oz): 69 calories

Here are some ideas for high calorie toppings:

  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts
  • Seeds: chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds
  • Fruits: bananas, berries, dried fruits
  • Sweeteners: honey, maple syrup, agave

For example, this Banana Cream Overnight Oats recipe from High Calorie Recipes (our sister site) combines rolled oats, canned coconut milk, maple syrup, and a banana for a tasty, high-calorie meal. The recipe makes two servings and has 594 calories per serving!

Oats are rich in healthy carbohydrates, which are helpful for gaining weight. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body. Eating oats helps ensure you have the energy needed for daily tasks and exercise.

You might prefer different types of oats like rolled oats, steel-cut oats, or instant oatmeal. 

These healthy carbs make oats an excellent option for anyone looking to increase their daily caloric intake while boosting their nutrition as well. You can add your oats to shakes, smoothies (like this Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie), make oatmeal, or even use them in baking!

High Calorie Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats.

Incorporating Oats Into Your Diet

Adding oats to your diet can be a fun and easy way to help with weight gain. Here are some tasty recipes, high calorie combos, and snack ideas using oats to boost your calorie intake effortlessly.

Start your day with a hearty bowl of oatmeal. You can add fruits like bananas and berries for natural sweetness. For extra calories, mix in nut butter, which adds both flavor and healthy fats. Honey or maple syrup can also add sweetness without overwhelming the dish.


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 medium banana, sliced
  • 1 Tbsp honey


  1. Mix oats and milk in a pot
  2. Cook until thick
  3. Stir in peanut butter
  4. Add banana slices
  5. Drizzle honey on top
  6. Enjoy!

You can see that oats are flexible and can be tailored to fit your goals. Whether you like savory or sweet, there’s an oatmeal recipe for you. This makes oats a valuable tool for those aiming to gain weight.

Consider making overnight oats. High calorie overnight oats are an excellent option for weight gain. To make them, start with rolled oats and add high-calorie ingredients like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

Using full-fat milk or yogurt can also increase calorie content. You can sweeten your oats with honey or maple syrup. These oats are not only convenient, but also a tasty way to increase your daily calorie intake.

Overnights Oats for Weight Gain.

Pairing oats with high calorie foods can significantly help in achieving your weight gain goals. Add oats to smoothies along with milk, protein powder, and a handful of nuts. This creates a calorie-dense drink that is both delicious and filling.

Another option is to bake oatmeal bars. Use oats as the base and mix in ingredients like chocolate chips, peanut butter, and dried fruits. These bars are not only high in calories but also perfect for on-the-go snacking.

Oats can be used in a variety of snacks. Consider making oat-based energy balls. Combine oats with honey, peanut butter, and chocolate chips, then roll them into small balls. These are easy to make and store in the refrigerator.

Oatmeal cookies are another snack option. These cookies can be made with oats, butter, sugar, and raisins or chocolate chips. They provide a sweet treat that also contributes to your calorie intake.

Using oats in your diet doesn’t have to be boring! With these recipes, combinations, and snacks, you can enjoy your food while working towards your weight gain goals.

Be sure to visit our article on High Calorie Oatmeal for Weight Gain for even more ideas!

Considerations When Using Oats for Weight Gain

Gaining weight in a healthy way requires attention to several key factors, including:

  • when you eat
  • how much you eat
  • the nutritional content of your food

By focusing on these areas, you can ensure you’re gaining weight effectively while maintaining a balanced diet.

You should try to eat more frequently throughout the day. Having five to six smaller meals instead of the traditional three big meals can help keep your energy levels up and ensure you’re eating enough calories.

Don’t skip breakfast; it sets the tone for the day. Also, consider eating a meal before bed because your body continues to consume energy while you sleep.

Increasing portion sizes can help you consume more calories. Additionally, add more to each meal, like an extra spoonful of peanut butter to your oatmeal or a handful of nuts to your salad. This way, you’re adding calories without drastically changing your diet.

Another method is to increase the nutrients and calories of your meal without increasing the volume of food you have to consume. 

For example, a quarter cup of raisins is about 120 calories. Whereas, a quarter cup of grapes is only 26 calories. You would need to eat more than one cup of grapes to get the same amount of calories as the ¼ cup of raisins. 

Check out Low Volume High Calorie Foods for more info!

Oats for Weight Gain Conclusion

Oats can be a great addition to your diet if you’re looking to gain weight. They are versatile and packed with nutrients. Plus, you can easily increase your calorie intake by adding ingredients to your oats.

Consider mixing in ingredients like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. These add both flavor and calories. Oats are also great for making smoothies. Blend oats with milk, yogurt, and fruits for a high-calorie drink. 

We look forward to hearing how you enjoy oats. Comment below, and good luck on your weight gain journey!

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