Yakult Benefits: Everything You Need to Know
This comprehensive article will cover everything you need to know about Yakult benefits.
What is Yakult?
Yakult is a Japanese probiotic drink created in 1935. Currently, Yakult is sold internationally in over 40 countries. The company, Yakult USA is currently based out of California.
Yakult is served in a 2.7-ounce plastic bottle with a foil top. Also known as a probiotic drink, Yakult has a refreshingly tart citrus taste.
The drink is an off-white color. It is thicker than water, but thinner than whole milk.

How to Pronounce Yakult
Technically, Yakult is pronounced ‘yaa klt’.
Basically, it sounds like it is spelled. “Yeah” like “Yeah, I like Yakult”. And “cult” like “Don’t join a cult”.
You can watch a YouTube video here to hear how to pronounce the word Yakult.
Types of Yakult
There are two types of Yakult. The original Yakult (regular) and Yakult light.

Yakult (Regular)
Yakult regular, the original version created in 1935, is the red labeled bottle.
Ingredients of Yakult
Yakult is made of water, milk, sweetener, and the probiotic L. paracasei strain Shirota.
The ingredients vary slightly between the regular and light versions of Yakult.
Yakult (regular) ingredients include:
- water
- sugar
- nonfat milk
- glucose
- natural flavors
- L. paracasei strain Shirota.
Calories in Yakult
A single bottle of Yakult provides 50 calories.
Both types of Yakult are fat-free. Both versions of Yakult are made up of mostly carbohydrates.

Yakult Light
The lower-calorie version of Yakult is known as Yakult Light. It is in a blue labeled bottle.
Ingredients of Yakult Light
Yakult light is similar to regular Yakult but has less sugar. Instead, it is sweetened with artificial sweetener (i.e. sweetener with no calories).
This product has corn dextrin and pectin. These ingredients can help match the texture and attributes of the original Yakult.
Yakult Light ingredients include:
- water
- nonfat milk
- corn dextrin
- sugar
- glucose
- pectin
- natural flavors
- Reb A (Stevia Extract)
- L. paracasei strain Shirota.
Calories in Yakult Light
A single bottle of Yakult provides 25 calories.

Yakult Benefits
There are many Yakult benefits. In fact, there have been many research studies looking at the health benefits of Yakult.
Potential Health Benefits of Yakult Probiotics:
- Prevention and treatment of diarrhea
- Regular bowel movements, prevention of constipation
- Possible benefits with other gastrointestinal issues
- Increases healthy bacteria in the gut (ref)
- Probiotics can help with certain skin conditions (ref)
- Regulation and improvement in immunity (ref)
- Improve inflammation in those with rheumatoid arthritis (ref)
- And it may have a role in improving depression (ref)
The primary Yakult benefits come from the probiotics in this drink. Probiotics are live strains of bacteria, also called “healthy bacteria”, that is good for your gastrointestinal (GI) system.
The name of the probiotic in Yakult is Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. This strain was discovered by Japanese microbiologist Dr. Minoru Shirota in 1930 (ref).
There is a TON of research on the benefits of probiotics and on Yakult benefits.
Yakult Research
Yakult is a product founded by a scientist and a company to continues to be invested in science. The Yakult Central Institute is the main hub for Yakult research.
You can find past, current, and ongoing yakult research through the Yakult Central Institute or through a literature search in an online platform like Google Scholar.

Yakult Risks
There are generally no risks from drinking Yakult. However, there are a few groups of people who may need to be mindful when drinking this probiotic beverage.
Milk Allergy– Those who are allergic to milk should not drink Yakult. Yakult contains milk.
Lactose Intolerance– Because Yakult contains milk, it contains lactose. Some individuals with lactose intolerance can manage small amounts of lactose. Others can take a lactase enzyme with milk products. Others may need to avoid this product altogether.
Diabetes– Yakult is primarily made up of carbohydrates. Therefore, those with diabetes should be mindful of how Yakult is incorporated into their diet with other carbohydrates.
Other– Everyone is different. If Yakult causes any discomfort, then it might not be the right fit for you.

Is Yakult Good for You?
Overall, yes, Yakult is good for you.
Do you need to drink it? No. There are plenty of other healthy foods and probiotics out there you can pick from.
As reviewed above, there are generally no risks associated with Yakult.
If you enjoy Yakult, feel free to incorporate it into your healthy diet. A balanced, healthy diet is what is most important for optimal health.
How to Drink Yakult
If you have never had Yakult before or are new to it, you may be wondering how to drink Yakult?
The first, and most obvious way, is to drink it right out of the bottle. You can sip it or drink it in a couple of big gulps.
If you don’t love the taste or drinking it plain, you can add it to another food or beverage. For example, you can mix it into a smoothie. Or you can pour it over a bowl of frozen berries or tart frozen yogurt.
You can find some fun Yakult recipes on the company website.
We also have a delicious Peach Yakult Recipe on our sister website, High Calorie Recipes, for anyone who needs some extra calories!
Yakult: When to Drink?
When should you drink Yakult? It’s really up to you. There is no right or wrong time to drink Yakult.
It generally does not cause stomach discomfort, so it does not have to be consumed with other foods.
How Many Yakult Per Day?
The company recommends drinking 1 to 2 Yakult bottles daily. They recommend drinking it on a daily basis to maintain the healthy bacteria in your gut.
Some people may choose to drink Yakult when they are on probiotics. This way it can help to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
I’ve done this myself. Picking up a couple of packs of Yakult if I or my kids need to be on antibiotics. They are easy to drink, pre-packed probiotics. And we like the taste!
It is really up to you how many Yakult you drink and how frequently you drink them.
How Long is Yakult Good For?
Yakult has a “best buy” date printed on the bottle. You should consume this drink by this date.
You should also be sure to store Yakult in the refrigerator. Any product left out for too long or past the best by date should be discarded.
Where to Buy Yakult
You can buy Yakult at most grocery stores. From Walmart to Kroger to whichever chain grocery store is in your area.
Yakult is generally found in the dairy aisle at a grocery store. It may be found next to yogurt, milk, or other probiotic drinks.
Yakult Price
How much does Yakult cost? Individual stores set their prices.
Generally a 5 count package of Yakult will cost between $3-4.
Other Probiotic Drinks
Yakult is a unique and delicious probiotic drink. If Yakult isn’t your thing, there are other probiotic drinks to pick from.
Other probiotic drinks:
- kombucha
- kefir
- sparkling probiotic drinks
- drinkable yogurt
- probiotic shots
- probiotic sodas
- etc.
My personal favorite probiotic drink on this list is Kevita. It isn’t as strong as kombucha. It’s light and refreshing. And generally low in calories.
Yakult Benefits Conclusion
There are many Yakult benefits. Yakult is good for gut health and can be consumed daily if desired.